How To Mix LiquiStone In The Bag

LiquiStone is very easy to mix. There are a variety of techniques that can be used. Add the half the powder to the water and stir until wetted, then slowly add more stone- stirring the whole time. If you think your final mix is too thin or too thick you have plenty of time to adjust with more powder or more water. Remember, a little water goes a long way. Over 2 pounds, it is often easier to mix with a Power Mixer on an electric drill. NOTE: Always make sure the drill is running in reverse (anti-clockwise) to ensure the minimum of air bubbles in your mix. When mixing LiquiStone for very large projects, work quickly so you can pour a fresh batch of LiquiStone on top of the last batch before the previous batch has hardened. Adult Supervision Required Keep Out Of Reach Of Children --- Make It Now! with Smooth-On / smoothon / smoothon / smoothon
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