Julien Assange - “Le MONDE ENTIER REGARDE“-THE WHOLE WORLD WATCHING ! #freeassange #wikileaks #truth

Thousands marched through the streets to the office of the UK Prime Minister in Downing Street following the conclusion of Julian Assange’s court hearing today, calling for his immediate release Des milliers de personnes ont défilé dans les rues jusqu’au bureau du Premier ministre britannique à Downing Street après la conclusion de l’audience de Julian Assange aujourd’hui, appelant à sa libération immédiate **** Julien Assange liberation “The whole world is watching The whole world is watching The whole world is watching “ Julien Assange, jailed for more than 15 years, founder of WIKILEAKS, which allowed whistleblowers close to government, secret services etc. to reveal horrible things about the “gratin“ of the oligarchy (pizza gate ETC.), virus research laboratories, ...
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