Le Grand Macabre

György Ligeti (1923-2006): Requiem, for soprano, mezzo-soprano, two mixed choirs and orchestra György Ligeti: Le Grand Macabre, opera in four tableaux (excerpts) Ensemble Intercontemporain Paris Conservatory Orchestra Hungarian National Choir Students from the Department of Vocal Disciplines of the Paris Conservatory Matthias Pintscher, director Marie Soubestre, soprano (Le Grand Macabre) Makeda Monnet, soprano (Requiem and Le Grand Macabre) Victoire Bunel, mezzo-soprano (Requiem and Le Grand Macabre) Borbála Kiss, mezzo-soprano (Le Grand Macabre) Benoît Rameau, tenor (Le Grand Macabre) Jenő Dékán, tenor (Le Grand Macabre) Jean-Christophe Lanièce, baritone (Le Grand Macabre) Olivier Gourdy, bass (Le Grand Macabre) Csaba Somos, choirmaster
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