What does it mean to collaborate well Practical and research perspectives

Collaboration and co-authorship are important elements of academic life for many researchers. Modern scientometric research shows that the number of articles written in co-authorship, as well as the number of authors of publications, increases from year to year. The researchers note that articles written in co-authorship are more visible in a global research community and receive more citations. If collaborations are so important, then how to organize joint work with co-authors so that this experience is effective and brings satisfaction to all participants? At the workshop, the speaker Daria Maltseva will talk about collaboration from two perspectives. As a researcher of scientific interactions, Daria will present a number of modern trends in the field of scientific collaboration, and as the head of a laboratory and co-author of articles in leading journals, she will share her experience of preparing publications with international and Russian colleagues. Speaker: Daria Maltseva ABOUT THE HSE AWC The HSE Academic Writing Center (AWC) is a collaborative space where university faculty and researchers can get language support at any time. JOIN US AWC website: Subscribe to the AWC newsletter:
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