Alex Jones reported that many Democrats (Communists) claim to love America but at the same time they are VERY open, and direct

Alex Jones reported that many Democrats (Communists) claim to “love America” but at the same time they are VERY open, and direct about wanting to put ALL Trump supporters in “re-education camps” so that we can be “deprogrammed”. “We love America, WE HATE YOU!” “We need camps for adults”. “All of America needs deprogramming because we have been brainwashed by the cult of Donald Trump”. “Sadly, so many of those MAGA extremists take their orders from Donald Trump…At some point, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming the cult members”. They are NOT shy about telling you what they REALLY want… They want to “eliminate” or KILL off those who will NOT conform to the coming NWO One World Government. These people are EXTREMELY EVIL & DANGEROUS. PLEASE UNDERSTAND….This is NOT simply “politics”…These people are hardened Bolshevik Communists that want nothing less than a FULL GENOCIDE OF AMERICA FIRST NATIONALISTS. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST. LISTEN FOR YOURSELVES… Source: PatriotVoiceOfficial
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