On the side of the gunner - 85-millimeter divisional gun D-44

The 85-mm divisional gun D-44 (Russian: 85-мм дивизионная пушка Д-44) was a Soviet divisional 85-mm calibre field artillery gun used in the last action of World War II. It was designed as the replacement for the 76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3). The gun is no longer in front-line service with the Russian Ground Forces, although some 200 of the Chinese Type 56 variant are still in service with the Pakistan Army. Wartime service included use by communist forces during the Vietnam War and by Arab forces during their conflicts with Israel. The design of the D-44 started in 1943 at the design bureau of No.9 factory “Uralmash“ and production began in 1944. Its GRAU code was 52-P-367. The SD-44 was a 1950s variant with an auxiliary propulsion unit and ammunition box for 10 rounds, with 697 issued to the airborne forces (VDV) from 1954. The D-44N was a 1960s variant with an APN 3-7 infra-red illumination device for night combat. China received D-44s during the Korean War and began manufacturing a copy, the Type 56, in the early 1960s. Finally, the Polish Army has equipped some of their D-44 guns with electrical subsystems in the early 1980s and designated them D-44M and D-44MN. The barrel was developed from that of the T-34-85 tank and was capable of firing 20–25 high-explosive (HE), armor-piercing, and high-explosive antitank (HEAT) projectiles per minute. Subcaliber BR-365P HVAP-T (high velocity armor-piercing-tracer) projectiles were capable of penetrating 100 mm of armor at 1000 meters at a ninety-degree obliquity, and the BR-367P HVAP-T projectile penetrates 180 mm of armor under the same conditions. The post-war round O-365K HE weighed 9.5 kg and packed 741 grams of TNT as its bursting charge, while the BK-2M HEAT-FS (fin-stabilized) projectile can penetrate 300 mm of armor. The HEAT round for the Type 56 has a maximum range of 970 meters and will penetrate 100 mm of armor at an angle of 65 degrees. The gun uses GAZ-AA tires, and is towed by a truck[10] or a Ya-12 tractor with the average speed of 20–25 km/h on surfaced roads, and 11 km/h over open terrain, with a maximum towing speed over asphalt roadway of about 55 km/h. The SD-44’s auxiliary propulsion unit M-72 of 14 hp can move the gun at road speeds up to 25 km/h. The gun uses the OP-2-7 sight with magnification for day combat. The sight permits target acquisition at 1500 meters. The D-44 was produced from 1945 until 1953. During the years 1948-1950, over two thousand D-44s were produced per year. The D-44 also served as the basis from which the 85 mm antitank gun D-48 was developed and also the RPU-14 multiple rocket launcher uses the D-44’s carriage. By the 1950s, the D-44 had been exported for use by Warsaw Pact nations, with the gun remaining in service with the East German National People’s Army until the fall of the East Germany. Besides Pakistan and East Germany, other users include(d) Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China (Type 56), Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Laos, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Vietnam and Zambia 85 毫米师级火炮 D-44(俄语:85-мм дивизионная пушка Д-44)是一种苏联师级 85 毫米口径野战炮,用于第二次世界大战的最后一次行动。它被设计为 76 毫米师 M1942 (ZiS-3) 火炮的替代品。尽管大约 200 架中国 56 型改型仍在巴基斯坦陆军服役,但该枪已不再在俄罗斯地面部队的前线服役。战时服役包括在越南战争期间被共产主义军队使用,在与以色列的冲突期间被阿拉伯军队使用。 D-44 的设计始于 1943 年“Uralmash”9 号工厂的设计局,并于 1944 年开始生产。其 GRAU 代码为 52-P-367。 SD-44 是 1950 年代的变型,带有辅助推进装置和 10 发弹药箱,从 1954 年开始向空降部队 (VDV) 发放了 697 发。 D-44N 是 1960 年代的变型,带有 APN 3-7 红外线夜战照明装置。中国在朝鲜战争期间收到了 D-44,并于 1960 年代初开始制造复制型 56 型。最后,波兰军队在 1980 年代初期为他们的一些 D-44 火炮配备了电气子系统,并设计了 D-44M 和 D-44MN。 枪管是从 T-34-85 坦克的枪管发展而来的,每分钟能够发射 20-25 发高爆(HE)、穿甲弹和高爆反坦克(HEAT)弹丸。子口径 BR-365P HVAP-T(高速穿甲示踪)弹丸能够在 1000 米处以 90 度角穿透 100 毫米装甲,BR-367P HVAP-T 弹丸可穿透 180 毫米下的装甲相同的条件。战后炮弹 O-365K HE 重 9.5 公斤,装填 741 克 TNT 作为爆破装药,而 BK-2M HEAT-FS(尾翼稳定)弹丸可以穿透 300 毫米的装甲。 56 型的 HEAT 弹的最大射程为 970 米,可以以 65 度的角度穿透 100 毫米的装甲。 该炮使用GAZ-AA轮胎,由2.5吨卡车[10]或Ya-12拖拉机牵引,平地路面平均速度20-25公里/小时,开阔地形11公里/小时,沥青路面上的最大牵引速度约为 55 公里/小时。 SD-44 的 14 马力辅助推进装置 M-72 可以以高达 25 公里/小时的道路速度移动火炮。 该枪使用 OP-2-7 瞄准具,放大率为 5.5 倍,用于日间战斗。瞄准具允许在 1500 米处捕获目标。 D-44 从 1945 年到 1953 年生产。在 1948-1950 &
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