Video by CST(China Song Text) - Китайские песни, тексты п

I think this song conveys determination so even though I translated the title 石头 as stone, in the lyrics I translated it as rock. For the same reasons I translate 守候 as guard as compared to the other The Wolf MV. Rock and guard just sounds more, idk, sturdy to me lol.  Explanation of the lyrics are in ML’s point of view: 就算再一段暗涌要冲过来 化不开 Even if another dark current rushes at me, it cannot be dissipated 就算在烈日艳阳之下曝晒 爱仍在 Even if it’s exposed to the scorching sun, my love still remains 我没眼泪能流 所以我不能化成你的绿洲 I have no tears to shed so I cannot become your oasis 躲在你的身后 在你看不到的宇宙中不朽 Hiding behind you, forever in a world you cannot see [If he’s always at the back, the person in front will never be able to notice him, so he will forever be in a world they can’t see] 不会痛 不能痛 我要做最坚强的石头 I feel no pain, I can’t feel pain, I want to be the most solid rock 不会梦 不能梦 我天生没血没肉 I have no dreams, I can’t have dreams, I was born without blood and flesh 不温柔 不哀愁 你不用懂 No gentleness, no sorrow, you don’t have to understand 百年后 千年后 我还在这里守候 A hundred years later, a thousand years later, I’ll still be here guarding 再几场连绵风雨把我覆盖 化不开 So many rounds of hardships have covered me, they can no longer be dissolved [连绵风雨 = continuous/ uninterrupted trials and hardships, 风雨 is literally wind and rain, pretty damaging to rocks haha. A more accurate translation would be: after a few consecutive rounds of hardship have covered me, they can no longer be dissolved.] 再出生入死赴了几次轮回爱仍在 Even after experiencing life and death, reincarnating multiple times, my love still remains [Alright, I think the meaning of this line depends on how you interpret the words: 出生入死 means life-threatening danger but separately 出生 and 入死 is to be born and to die. The next part means to visit the reincarnation cycle a few times. So this line can either mean 1. Facing danger, almost dying (and thus almost reincarnating) multiple times or 2. literally experiencing multiple births/ deaths, reincarnating many times] 不能让你心动 只好假装为自己执着感动 I can’t let your heart be moved so I can only pretend to be moved by my own obsessions 陪在你的左右 直到海枯石也舍不得腐朽 Accompanying you until the oceans run dry yet the rock can’t bear to decay [I guess he still wants to accompany her even longer so he can’t bear to decay] 百年后 千年后 A hundred years later, a thousand years later
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