Dean and Castiel - Lebanon / Canon Destiel AU (+14x13)

Hi yes I asked Dabb for canon Destiel and he ignored me so I made them canon myself bye (bi) AU where everything’s the same in the 300th episode but instead of John coming back, a version of Cas appears. A version of Cas that is married to Dean. ___ explanation of scenes in order: After AU!Cas appears, he explains that they are together & have been married for a while now. He shows Dean his memories of the wedding. Dean is shocked. Sam knows this dream won’t last long so he’s trying to get him to calm down. AU!Cas is looking for Dean and finds him in the kitchen. Dean asks him to tell him everything. AU!Cas decides to show him instead. Their whole love story flashes before Dean’s eyes. The first time they met, the first time they made love. The first “I love you“, AU!Castiel’s proposal, wedding, kids. Everything Dean’s ever wanted. Real!Dean finally admits to himself that he is, indeed, in love with his guardian angel. Knows he can’t have that life though or else the world wouldn’t be the same. Crushes the
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