Is the house of history built on foundations of sand? | Graham Hancock | TEDxReading

NOTE from TED: Please be aware that this talk contains outdated and counterfactual assertions, and should not be understood as a representation of modern scholarship on ancient civilizations. If ancient civilizations interest you, TEDx Talks contain many fascinating and well-researched talks such as: Sarah Parcak’s talk on space arachaeology at TEDxYale: Leslie van Gelder’s talk on cave art at TEDxQueenstown: Sarah Kenderdine’s talk on museums of the future at TEDxGateway: Since 2007, compelling evidence has been published in leading scientific journals confirming that fragments of a disintegrating giant comet struck the earth around 12,800 years ago. The impacts set in motion a mysterious 1,200-year global deep freeze that caused worldwide extinctions of species. Established theories about the emergence of civilization cit
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