OUTRAGE! In US Government Shutdown, DC Will Continue To Pay Thousands Of UKRAINIAN Salaries!

While millions of Americans face the likelihood of being sent home without pay should the government shut down at the end of the month, one group of workers has no such worries: Ukrainians on the US dole! That’s right: our “Representatives“ in Congress and the White House are spending billions paying Ukrainian salaries and subsidizing Ukrainian businesses! Also today: Biden gives Poland $2 billion to buy more US weapons. Also: some immigrants are being you will be surprised who. Get your copy of Ron Paul’s LATEST BOOK - “The Surreptitious Coup“ - as our “thank you“ for your tax-deductible donation to the Ron Paul Institute. For $50 or more get an unsigned soft cover copy. For a donation of $100 or more get a hand-signed soft cover copy. For a donation of $150 or more get a hand-signed HARDCOVER copy of Dr. Paul’s new book. How to get the book? Do nothing but make your contribution. We’ll take it from there. We’ll send the book automatically. There is a limited time and there are limited quantities! Make your contribution at:
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