The Day In Deauville (1933)

Note on the title card reads “with an accent on the dough“. Shots of a very crowded beach at Deauville. There are striped changing huts and people are almost all fully dressed. Three girls in bathing suits sit around a fountain. Four women and two men share a drink and a laugh at a cafe in the open air. Nice shots. Close up of woman taking a cigarette out of a packet and smoking it. A family rides horses on the beach. A tractor takes a trailer of children for a ride across the sand. A Pathe cameraman is visible behind the driver. C/U of children in the trailer. Children try to persuade a dog to go into the sea. A woman in an amazing sequinned bathing suit poses in a boat with a dog in a striped T-shirt (truly!) Women pose in their bathing suits - some have Ostrich feather parasols. A woman does bodybuilding exercises on the sand. Shot of a group of women relaxing in deck-chairs and on the sand. A man in a fez tries to persuade a woman to buy jewellery. Safety print exists. Note: ni
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