Vídeo de Furor Teutonicus

Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video. For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@ Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video. Ukraine: street fighting in village, troops moving up. Firing machine guns & mortars. German soldier past Soviet propaganda poster; troops into industrial area - huge steel mill. 07:34:09 Map. Gomel, Belarus under fire, burning houses. [narr. blames Russian Scorched Earth policy] -wrecked Russian equipment, dead soldiers - Timoshenko army. Much wrecked equipment along roadside. 07:35:16 Returning civilians in rubble. 07:35:24 EXT & INT shots of ransacked GPU building inc. prison; turned into German field hospital w/ wounded soldiers arriving & tended by doctors & nurses w/ modern equipment inc. x-ray machine. 07:36:32 Scenes of poor slum housing near GPU “palace”; civilians, boy smoking cigar. Peasants. 07:37:27 German troops toward retreating Russian front; passing truck with sign ‘Kolonnenanfang’ / first in the column. Trucks w/ supplies along road, interior of driver; supplies unloaded at the front. 07:38:37 After the battle, Germans at map & look for dispersed Russians. Burning farm buildings; abandoned Soviet position; dead Russians; battle scenes against remaining Red Army troops along river & into village. Russian soldier surrenders. Battle scenes & fighting, treating wounded. (GOOD). 07:41:24 More Russians surrender - hands up. 07:42:18 Long line of PoWs marching under guard. German soldiers march thru countryside - smile at camera w/ voice over singing. Draft horses & trucks. ; Eastern Front.; Operation Barbarossa; Russia / USSR;NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility. For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@
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