Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 (2020)

Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 and Plandemic: Indoctornation are a 2020 conspiracy theory video and film, respectively. Both were produced by Mikki Willis and promote misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. They feature Judy Mikovits, a discredited American researcher who has been described as an anti-vaccine activist. The first video, in addition to promoting various conspiracy theories, also features Willis and Mikovits discussing viruses in general and Mikovits herself. Willis produced the first video with a low budget under the name of his production company Elevate Films. Three months after its Internet release, Indoctornation, which includes more interviewees, was released by conspiracy distributor London Real. Upon its release, the first video went viral, becoming one of the most widespread pieces of COVID-19 misinformation, its popularity most attributed to online word-of-mouth. It was quickly removed by multiple online platforms, but this failed to stop its proliferation, and it might still be spreading secretly through various platforms. It had also contributed to the increasing rebellion against health protocols. Due to social media companies’ preparedness for its release, Plandemic: Indoctornation received less attention. Scientists and health professionals criticized The Hidden Agenda Against Covid-19 and Indoctornation for their misleading claims, while Willis’s abhorrent filmmaking style has been cited as lending to their conspiratorial and brainwashing nature. The latter was specifically poorly received for its narrative quality. After an outcry on the first video, Willis expressed doubt about Mikovits’s claims but still defended her, with Indoctrination being self-described as a “response video“ to debunkers.
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